Mothers Program
Serenity Hills Life Center’s Mothers Program was developed from the gap of services needed for pregnant women, postpartum depression, and mothers of minor children. The addiction crisis has devastated families across West Virginia and beyond. Some of the most affected & vulnerable are the children & babies born to mothers suffering from substance use issues.
Many mothers want help but, do not seek treatment in fear of losing their children. Often times, that is what occurs. Serenity Hills Life Center has taken the task of focusing on this population and providing a safe, healthy place for treatment.
Pregnant Women
Serenity Hills Life Center understands the plight of pregnant women & their families and strives to set a strong foundation for recovery. Pregnant women have unique treatment needs and specialized care is needed. Serenity Hills has designed programs to assist women with substance use issues to develop healthy life-skills, while providing encouragement & supportive care for both mother & baby. We believe this is highly beneficial to recovery. While in treatment, our mothers will receive obstetric care, prenatal checkups, and any medical treatment that is vital to a healthy pregnancy. Nutritional services, healthy diet plans, relaxation, and structured sleep schedules are all part of our program. These serve to improve the health of the mother and the unborn child.
Mental health care is also an integral aspect during addiction treatment. Serenity Hills Life Center’s experienced & credentialed staff will conduct individual & group therapies. Group sessions will include other pregnant women when possible. Serenity Hills Life Center also uses simulated baby dolls called Real Care Baby Care which has evidence-based research. This includes fetal alcohol syndrome baby dolls and neonatal abstinence syndrome. Serenity Hills has developed programs that are specific to this population. We also offer Lamaze and smoking cessation classes.
Postpartum Women
Mothers suffering from substance use issues and are a postpartum mom, may have a difficult time in recovery. Having a newborn baby and dealing with the pressures of motherhood & recovery, are often overwhelming. Studies show that mothers who suffer from substance use issues are more likely to experience postpartum depression. This makes it even more difficult for the already struggling new mother in recovery. Serenity Hills Life Center offers mothers programs and support in this difficult time. We offer a safe, quiet, peaceful place for recovery, as well as the tools the individual needs to get through this difficult time. During this process, new mothers can visit often with their newborns, which is very important for the bonding process.
Mothers of Minor Children
Serenity Hills Life Center realizes that struggling with addiction alone is very difficult. Being a mother and having the responsibility of caring for children has become a major problem in the addiction crisis. Many mothers that love their children, end up losing them to Child Protective Services. Serenity Hills Life Center believes with a safe surrounding, quality treatment, education & job training, parenting classes, access to visitation, and a true desire for change, that mothers can and will be successful. Their success can change the lives of their children and possibly their future.